Friday, April 10, 2020

Easter Season Coloring Pages

I have had such great feedback from you about the Praying for You coloring pages and cards I made earlier this month that I decided to create more for you!

Here are the 12 different coloring pages to help you celebrate this Easter season:

First up - Easter!  Designs full of Easter lilies and flowers and Alleluias!  It just makes me think of the joy we'll all have once we can celebrate Mass in public again!  Alleluia!!!

Each coloring page design comes in sizes 5x7, 8x10, and 8.5x11. Some are so pretty just in black and white, I might just frame it like that...

Jesus, I trust in You!  This has been my number #1 go-to prayer since we began our infertility journey.  So Divine Mercy Sunday holds a special place in my heart!  Here are 3 coloring pages featuring 3 different prayers from the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. 

I also wanted to create some coloring pages to help you celebrate the Ascension in May. This quote is a great reminder to us especially today since we are not able to celebrate this holy season inside a physical Catholic church.  He is still with us - even at home.

And finally, Pentecost!  I love this Come, Holy Spirit Prayer.  It's one of my favorites to pray when I don't know what to do or say.

And as a bonus, I included this Good Friday coloring page as well.  May we use this time in isolation to unite ourselves to Jesus Christ Crucified!

One last thing: this will be a growing set of coloring pages!

I am planning on adding more for Mother's Day, Divine Mercy, and Pentecost!  (I may even throw in a few saint quotes too!)  So once you get the link for the coloring pages, be sure to check back for new coloring pages in a week or two!

4/24/20 UPDATE: Three Mother's Day coloring pages have been added!  

5/17/20 UPDATE: Three Father's Day coloring pages are now included!

Here is how you get the Easter Season Coloring Pages:

I'm going to do the same thing I did for the Catholic {Praying for You} Coloring Pages: you can have the option between getting them for free or purchasing them for $3 from my Etsy shop.

I did it this way because many people had asked if they could purchase the coloring pages to help support my small business during the quarantine. 

So you have two options for these coloring can pay $3 for them or get them for free.
I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd like to buy the coloring pages to help support my small business at this time, but I also completely understand if you need to get them for free.  So it's your decision!

You can get them for $3 here.

You can sign up for Sweet Little Ones Shop's email newsletter and 
get them for free here.

When you color them, please send me a picture or tag me on Instagram or Facebook.  I love to see how you will be spreading the love with these coloring pages!

I hope these Easter season coloring pages truly help you to joyfully and prayerfully celebrate Easter at home this year!

God bless,

Click here to sign up for my newsletter to receive free Catholic printable wall art every other month (and an extra on your birthday!), exclusive deals, and shop updates once a month!

In case you missed it, here are the FREE Spiritual Communion Prayer printables and phone wallpapers in 3 different designs:

And a huge bundle of FREE Catholic {Praying for You} Coloring Pages and Cards here:

You can find my list of FREE Catholic Resources during the COVID-19 Quarantine here.  This list includes live stream Mass times, homeschooling ideas, free Catholic resources for kids, adults, and families, and more!

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