Thursday, November 13, 2014

Freezer Meal Favorites

One Friday night each month, our group of girlfriends get together for 'Book Club'.  We don't always read books - we've done recipe swaps, craft days, movie nights...basically just time for us to be kid free and hang out. :) This past month, we did a Freezer Meal Swap. I'm really excited to try out their recipes and get back into making freezer meals. I think it'll come in handy with the busy holiday season ahead. Here are my favorite (tried and true) freezer meal recipes:

List of Favorite Freezer Meal Recipes -
I need to stock up on my meals...I'm currently running low!

Cooked eggs freeze really great! I use Jess' recipe for quiche cups and they are so yummy!

My husband loves breakfast wraps. Ours consist of: scrambled eggs, ground sausage, hash browns, onion/pepper that goodness in a tortilla and individually wrap. A very simple grab and go breakfast! :)

I cook a lot of shredded chicken and ground beef and freeze them in 1 pound increments. Then if we want tacos or BBQ chicken for sandwiches/quesadillas, it's all ready to go!

List of Favorite Freezer Meal Recipes -

My husband eats lunch at work, so I whenever I make a casserole, I freeze individual size portions for him to grab. Those are in the blue Gladware containers in the picture above!

We freeze popcorn, pretzels, and Goldfish crackers. Sounds weird, but they don't really freeze. They more just taste chilled, which surprisingly is so good! :)

I love soups and chilis.  My favorite chili is the Taco Chili I shared last month. I also love making Natalie's Chicken and Dumplings. For that recipe, I put all the ingredients in a bag, and then when I want to make it, I throw the bag in the slow cooker. SO EASY...and super delicious :)

I really like this recipe for Chicken Fajitas. I prepare the filling (so don't place in tortilla yet) in an aluminum dish and wrap with foil. When you want to make it, defrost it the night before and it will be ready to cook for dinner.

List of Favorite Freezer Meal Recipes -
Source - doesn't that look delicious?!

We are big pasta fans, so I make Spasagna a lot. We'll eat it for dinner, and then I'll freeze all the leftovers. I love this recipe, and basically every other one from Brandy's site!

We don't eat a lot of sugary foods (or least try not to!), so if I make a cake or cup cakes, I usually end up freezing the leftovers. Just wrap them individually so you can grab a treat whenever you like! ;)

Do you make freezer meals? What are your favorite meals to make? Check out our Pinterest board for more recipes and ideas!

List of Favorite Freezer Meal Recipes -

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5 on Friday/Friday Faves along with DarciNatashaChristinaApril,  
JennieLauren ElizabethKarliAmyAndreaErika, and Narci


  1. YUM! Everything sounds delicious!

    Stopping by from the linkup!

  2. Wow! You sure are organised! I've never even thought of freezing eggs or popcorn! XO sarita it's my girls' world

  3. I LOVE freezer meals! I have just been doing meals for dinner, but this post is making me think that I should expand to some other meals!

  4. Love the ideas! It would have never dawned on me to freeze popcorn..we unfortunately just throw out the left overs but I will be trying this now!

  5. Those quesadillas are singing to me!!



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