Sunday, February 1, 2015

Monthly Resolution: Prayer Life

Resolution: Improve my prayer life.

I have really been struggling with my prayer life ever since I became a mom three and a half years ago.  I have not found a rhythm since how I spend my time drastically changed when the little ones arrived.  (Can anyone else relate?!)  I have really noticed how bad it's been lately from the way I've been acting and feeling.  And I need to stop making excuses and do something about it.  Now.

Yesterday, I wrote some of my thoughts on prayer.  The 2 main points were that prayer is an action of talking and listening to God, and that I need to focus on the 4 types of prayer (ACTS) - Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication - in my prayer life. (Click here to read the whole post!)

Both of these need to be incorporated into my everyday prayer life, so I'm using them as the backbone of my game plan for this goal.  Everyday I plan to:

1. Pray with my husband and my family. God needs to be at the center of all our relationships, especially those closest to us.  We will take time in the morning and evening to pray together as a family, and also just as a couple so we can grow in our relationships together and with God. (2-5 minutes each, twice a day)

Our Prayer Altar on the landing at the top of the stairs.  This is where we read Bible stories and pray together as a family every night before the kids go to bed.  I need to start praying here with the kids every morning!

2. Read spiritual books. I will read the Bible in the daily Mass readings and then either the Blessed Is She devotion and/or Faith ND devotion with my husband (see #1). I will read an outside book relating to the Faith, and take time to meditate on what I've read. (Bible/Devotions - 5-10 minutes, Book/Meditation - 10-15 minutes)

3. Journal. I'll be using the Blessed Is She Lenten Journal to write down my prayers of ACTS to grow closer to God as we draw closer to Good Friday and then Easter!  I will keep my journal on my bedside table so I will journal each night before bed. (5-10 minutes)

4. Pray through my actions.  Pray without ceasing.  Make everything I do a prayer.  I will offer up my daily actions and inconveniences (without complaint!) as a prayer to God.  I will put up this verse throughout the house, especially in trouble spots - like above the kitchen sink! - to remind me. (5 seconds here and there throughout the day) 

5. Realize what I'm saying and doing. I will slow down when I'm saying a memorized prayer and really say the words with my heart and not just my mind.  I will consciously make an effort to remember ACTS when I pray.  I'm going to use this as a bookmark in my spiritual books so it reminds me of the 4 types of prayer when I'm meditating on what I've read:

This will definitely be challenging and something I need to work on everyday.  But growing closer in my relationship with God will obviously be worth it!

What are ways that you incorporate prayer in your everyday life?  What do you do to build your relationship with Christ?  I'm so glad we get to go on this walk together, my friends!


Are you new here?  Welcome!  Every first of the month, we "start fresh" with a new resolution to better ourselves as wives, mothers, and women or to make our houses into homes.  
We would love to have you join us! 

Linking up with 
Hayley and Andrea for Monthly Goals, 
Capture Your Journey Wednesday with Amber
Women with Intention Wednesdays with Jenny,  
The Shine Blog Hop with Jennifer,
Make a Difference Mondays with Sybil,
and Week's End with Elizabeth


  1. That is a tough one. I totally get what you're saying because I struggle too. I constantly remind myself that if I want my children to grow in the Lord then they need to know how to develop a relationship with Him...especially through prayer. This begins by my example.

  2. I can totally relate to the prayer life struggle with kids. It is so hard to have time to focus my attention on prayer! Prayer time with the kids helps solve this - and helps them learn to pray, which is so important to me. Journaling my prayers also helps me to focus. Another thing that helps me is a little grace: every day is another chance to do better. Maybe I failed to pray adequately yesterday. Today, I start again.

  3. LOVE your goals for this month. I'm linking up with The Tiny Twig as well. Looking forward to connecting more!


    @meghantucker (twitter)

  4. What a beautiful post, Jess! I can relate to you on the dramatic shift in how time is spent -- more frequent interruptions rather than full dedicated time spent doing, well anything, really! I believe these disciplines in prayer will be an amazing change for your family. I find that pregnancy fatigue has me ending the day unintentionally by slumping into bed. I think night-time prayer and journal time is something I could definitely improve upon. I love it when my husband and I pray together. Thank you for reminding me of the value of specific prayer times alongside prayer without ceasing.
    Thank you for sharing these prayer goals and linking up on My Monthly Goals! #friendswithgoals
    ~Andrea ||

  5. I love your goals.

    This year I made resolutions in all areas of my life but I really spent time on the spiritual side. I like the idea of more specific, intentional goal setting like you've done here.

    Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  6. That is so true. They follow our lead in everything, and it's our job as parents to lead them to Christ! Another good reason to improve my prayer life. Thanks for the reminder! -Jess

  7. All of those are great ideas. I really need to pray with the kids more throughout the day - not just before bed. Journaling is a great idea! I did over Advent this and it helped a lit. I should do it year round. And I love how you said that everyday we can start anew. Sometimes I'm so hard on myself, I forget that. Thanks for the great reminder, Rachel! -Jess

  8. Thank you and thanks for connecting! -Jess

  9. Thank you, Andrea! I think the biggest thing will be praying with my husband and family and making my work a prayer throughout the day. I'm looking forward to growing myself, my marriage, and my family! Thanks for hosting every month! - Jess

  10. Thanks! I was doing too many goals before and I'd quit before I'd start because I'd get overwhelmed. One at a time works so much better for me! And I'm focusing more on my spiritual life this year as well. It's for myself, but mostly for my husband and kids! Thanks for hosting, Jennifer! - Jess

  11. Jenny @ Women With IntentionFebruary 11, 2015 at 2:10 PM

    I made one of my 2015 goals to pray for each member of my family individually every day. I haven't always been perfect but it has greatly helped my prayer life, especially by giving thanks. Thanks for a great post and linking up at Women With Intention Wednesdays! I look forward to what you will share this week! :)

  12. That is a great idea! That one would be great to incorporate with the kids too. Thanks again for hosting! -Jess

  13. It's my pleasure, Jess! Praying for you now as we hit the middle of the month. Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. Thanks! Looking forward to catching up on how we're doing on our goals tomorrow! Happy Valentine's Day to you too! :) -Jess

  15. Prayer is supposed to be my focus for Lent this year. I had lofty goals of becoming a prayer warrior, but so far I've pretty much failed. Oh well, today is a new day - I guess thats why we need Easter in the first place! :) I think I might steal some of your goals...I love your prayer sign on the wall!


I love reading your comments - it makes my day! :) Thanks for dropping by!