Thursday, December 4, 2014

Some Christmas Favorites

This week = crazy town. We had avoided any illness since having our kids, but this house is no longer vomit free. :-/  I'm glad I set my Advent expectations low this year, because I'm definitely on track for only one activity this week. So today's post is being written by a sleep deprived mom hyped up on Dr. Pepper at 8 am :)

This past week, we've spent a lot of time snuggled on the couch watching Christmas specials on TV. Abby is getting excited for Christmas and can't wait to ask Santa for "a kitchen, dress ups, and new tools." Not sure about the tools, but whatever :) Our favorite shows would have to be:

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! You can never go wrong with Dr. Seuss! :)

Another favorite, Elf.  Now, I really didn't like this movie when I first saw it, but now I find it hilarious. Abby loved his enthusiasm over Santa coming to the store...I KNOW HIM! may or may not be getting yelled a lot now ;)

We've also been rocking out to Pandora's Christmas music station. I basically love any Christmas music, but I lean more toward the religious songs. My favorites are:

Josh Groban's Christmas cd. His voice is so amazing. Love him :)

Straight No Chaser - Holiday Spirits. They are a male a cappella group that started at Indiana University back in the '90s. We hear them all the time on the radio during this season, but we live in Indiana so I'm not sure how well known they really are! If you haven't heard of SNC, check them out!

Favorite find this year - Pentatonix. Wow, just wow. I had a bunch of friends post their 'Mary, Did You Know?' video on Facebook, and I finally watched it yesterday. They are so good! We just listened to more of their songs, and they are just amazing! Here's the video if you haven't seen it yet:

Ok friends, what are your favorite Christmas movies and music??

Happy Thursday!

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Sharing my Thoughts for Thursday with Natalie and Annie,
5 on Friday/Friday Faves along with DarciNatashaChristinaApril
KarliAmyAndreaErika, and Narci


  1. I saw Elf the other night on tv, too! Love all of the movies that get you in the Christmas spirit! I still havent seen Home Alone yet this year...keeping my eye out for it tho :)

  2. Amy Grant's Christmas CD is a classic and always the first CD I listen to on the day after Thanksgiving. I hadn't heard that version of Mary Did you know, either. Wow. They are incredible!

  3. I love Straight No Chaser! We live in NE IN, and everyone around here knows who they are. I remember Pentatonix from The Sing Off, but I haven't heard much from them after the show. I will have to search for some of their work.

  4. I've always been a vocal/a cappella nerd, so I knew who Straight No Chaser was before I moved to Indiana. And I LOVE Pentatonix and have all their music (you can actually download it for free from the library's website! Including their new Christmas album!). I've only seen "Elf" once but I was happily surprised by it because I generally can't stand Will Ferrell.

    More on the music: I like Kelly Clarkson's Christmas album, and I also really love this really obscure rock version of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" by Hip Heavy Lip that I got on some sampler CD back in high school (just...yeah).


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